Accepted Platinum

Great Approval Rates!*

Get a $1,000 Credit Line • No Credit Check • No Application Denied For Poor Credit


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Accepted Platinum Card
Accepted Platinum Card

Reward Yourself With the Benefits Of a Credit Line

Accepted Platinum is a members-only club for online shopping. Shop from the convenience of your home exclusively at MyUniqueOutlet and enjoy 0% financing.


Enjoy a $1,000.00 Credit Line!

0% Financing On brand name products exclusively at our online store MyUniqueOutlet.


Low Monthly Payments

Enjoy amazing benefits Like 24/7 Roadside Assistance. Legal Assistance. Low payments Of only $19.95/mo. Click here for more details.


No Credit Checks & No Credit Turndowns!

All credit types accepted. You will not be denied for bad credit.


Buy Now Pay Later

Purchase your products now And enjoy our low monthly payments. Click here for more details.

Rewards Every Month!

With the Unique Platinum Card you’ll also get $25 in Reward Dollars every month that you can use to save in your choice of over 500,000 ways!

Program Details

Establishing Credit Tips

Tips to Establish Credit

Building your credit is a process that takes time, but where to begin? Traditional unsecured credit cards are hard to get without a credit history, so applying for a secured credit card is a significant first step toward building a positive credit score. Secured credit cards require an initial deposit that the issuer holds. Another way to establish credit is to take out a small loan with a co-signer who has good credit.

Maintain as Many Credit Accounts as Possible

You may think you can achieve excellent credit by having a credit card or two and keeping them paid off. Unfortunately, timely payments are only one piece of the puzzle. Credit bureaus prefer to see a diverse mix of credit accounts on your report with a high combined credit limit. This means the more credit accounts you keep open, the better your score. Bureaus also like seeing that you have experience with multiple forms of credit, so having open loans in addition to credit cards on your report is a plus.

Go Ahead, Ask for a Higher Credit Limit

One of the easiest ways to improve your credit score without even making a payment is to reach out to the credit card companies and ask for an increase in your credit limit. When your credit limit goes up, your utilization immediately improves, and your score increases. If your history of on-time payments is good and you've maintained a reasonable credit utilization ratio, at least some of your creditors are likely to increase your limits. Either way, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Keep Your Accounts Open

As far as credit bureaus are concerned, the more credit accounts you have open, the better. Having as much available credit as possible (even if you don't plan to use it) is key to achieving an excellent credit score. Closing an account will lower your available credit, negatively impacting your credit utilization rating and your score. Additionally, the credit bureaus' algorithms will score points for long-standing accounts, so keep those old accounts up and running.

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